Thursday, May 30, 2019

Friday/ Monday May31/ June 3 Guernica

Coming up: on Tuesday we are beginning a new unit. If you are absent, make sure to check the blog.

In class: today and tomorrow we are exploring the symbolism, imagery and metaphors through Pablo Picasso's paining Guernica.
1) background information
2) TED TALK FILM (link below, if you are absent)
3) transcript of film below
4) accompanying analysis and response sheet (class handout / copy below)

Probably Picasso's most famous work, Guernica is certainly the his most powerful political statement, painted as an immediate reaction to the Nazi's devastating casual bombing practice on the Basque town of Guernica during Spanish Civil War.
Dates: Jul 17, 1936 – Apr 1, 1939
Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians. This work has gained a monumental status, becoming a perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. On completion Guernica was displayed around the world in a brief tour, becoming famous and widely acclaimed. This tour helped bring the Spanish Civil War to the world's attention.
This work is seen as an amalgmation of pastoral and epic styles. The discarding of color intensifis the drama, producing a reportage quality as in a photographic record. Guernica is blue, black and white, 3.5 metre (11 ft) tall and 7.8 metre (25.6 ft) wide, a mural-size canvas painted in oil. This painting can be seen in the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid.

Historical Context of the Masterpiece

Guernica is a town in the province of Biscay in Basque Country. During the Spanish Civil War, it was regarded as the northern bastion of the Republican resistance movement and the epicenter of Basque culture, adding to its significance as a target.
The Republican forces were made up of assorted factions (Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, to name a few) with wildly differing approaches to government and eventual aims, but a common opposition to the Nationalists. The Nationalists, led by General Francisco Franco, were also factionalized but to a lesser extent. They sought a return to the golden days of Spain, based on law, order, and traditional Catholic family values.
At about 16:30 on Monday, 26 April 1937, warplanes of the German Condor Legion, commanded by Colonel Wolfram von Richthofen, bombed Guernica for about two hours. Germany, at this time led by Hitler, had lent material support to the Nationalists and were using the war as an opportunity to test out new weapons and tactics. Later, intense aerial bombardment became a crucial preliminary step in the Blitzkrieg tactic.
After the bombing, Picasso was made aware of what had gone on in his country of origin. At the time, he was working on a mural for the Paris Exhibition to be held in the summer of 1937, commissioned by the Spanish Republican government. He deserted his original idea and on 1 May 1937, began on Guernica. This captivated his imagination unlike his previous idea, on which he had been working somewhat dispassionately, for a couple of months. It is interesting to note, however, that at its unveiling at the Paris Exhibition that summer, it garnered little attention. It would later attain its power as such a potent symbol of the destruction of war on innocent lives.
Guernica, Picasso's most important political painting, has remained relevant as a work of art and as a symbol of protest, and it kept the memory of the Basque town's nightmare alive. While Picasso was living in Nazi-occupied Paris during World War II, one German officer allegedly asked him, upon seeing a photo of Guernica in his apartment, "Did you do that?" Picasso responded, "No, you did."
“Guernica, 1937 by Pablo Picasso.” Henri Matisse,

Guernica-  by Pablo Picasso   accompanying work
contingent- a group of people united by a common feature        to grapple-to struggle
 devastation- great destruction                                                           acute-(adjective)- sharp, poignant
 atrocities- wicked, cruel, destructive acts                                       claustrophobia- extreme fear of enclosed spaces                
to illuminate- make visible, to bring clarity
matador- bull fighter
  After reading the background material on Pablo Picasso’s painting Guernica and watching the short film, please respond to the following questions.

1.       What forces bombed the northern Spanish city of Guernica in 1937?  __________________________
2.       Who were the two groups fighting during the Spanish Civil War?
__________________________________               ____________________________________________
3.       How does the disoriented perspective of the canvas contribute to the anti-war message?
4.       List some of the images within the painting and explain their symbolism
a.       ______________________________________________________________________________________
b.       _______________________________________________________________________________________
c.       _______________________________________________________________________________________
d.       ______________________________________________________________________________________
5.       In your own words, explain the metaphor of the ghostly woman holding the lamp. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6.       What three animals can be found within the mural?     a.                                                     b.       .                                              c .
7.       Select one of the above animals and discuss historically and or culturally what it has come to mean; then looking over the painting carefully how and why you interpret the image within the mural. This must be a minimum of five well-composed, grammatically correct sentences.

8.       Using details from the painting, explain why the work is a “powerful work of historical documentation and political protest.”  (Minimum 5 sentences.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, May 30 sample Task 2 essays

In class: we are reviewing the Task 2 argumentative essay with exemplars at papers graded at levels 3 though 6.  Handouts

If you were absent either on Tuesday or Wednesday, you will finish writing your essay.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Tuesday/ Wednesday, May 28/29 writing an argumenative essay

Today l begin writing an argumentative essay, where you will apply the rhetorical material we have just covered. This will involve research, making claims, finding evidence, refuting an argument and drawing a conclusion. You will need to write an argumentative essay on your ELA Regents exam.  It is very important that you stay on task and come to class. If you are absent anytime, you should check the blog and complete the material we covered in class. This will count as a writing grade.

Please spread out your desks or make sure you are not sitting next to anyone.

Take out the copy of the exam that we reviewed in class last Monday and Tuesday.  Review the directions again and begin. I will put two sheets of paper on each desk.  It is not expected that you will finish today. I will collect these at the end of class and return them to you tomorrow. Please put your name on the exam and the lined paper. 

There are four basic sections of any argumentative essay you should follow:
  1. Introduction paragraph
  2. Body with 2-3 strong arguments that weave in supporting text and are cited correctly.
  3. Refuting/ opposing arguments in one paragraph (again weave in and cite)
  4. Conclusion
Opposition / Limitation / Contradiction
Transition phrases like butrather and or, express that there is evidence to the contrary or point out alternatives, and thus introduce a change the line of reasoning (contrast).

although this may be true
in contrast
different from
of course ..., but
on the other hand
on the contrary
at the same time
in spite of
even so / though
be that as it may
then again
above all
in reality
after all
(and) still
(and) yet
as much as
even though

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday, May 24 Roman Numerals

Coming up: on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, everyone will be writing a Task 2 argumenative essay, as you would on the ELA exam. You have already practiced with the directions and should have a solid understanding of the rubric by which you will be graded.  

In class: if you missed the exam this past Monday, you will make it up today in class.  Everyone who has completed ALL work from this week is able to earn bonus points by working on Roman Numeral Assignment.  Copy of class handout below. Turn in what you have completed by the end of class. If you are missing anything else, please use this class time to finish any missing work.

You probably had these in elementary school, but, even around Rochester, you will find buildings with Roman numerals, mostly to indicate when it was constructed.
 With a partner or two, translate the numbers. The first one is done for you.


The easiest way to note down a number is to make that many marks - little I's. Thus I means 1, II means 2, III means 3. However, four strokes seemed like too many....
So the Romans moved on to the symbol for 5 - V. Placing I in front of the V — or placing any smaller number in front of any larger number — indicates subtraction. So IV means 4. After V comes a series of additions - VI means 6, VII means 7, VIII means 8.
X means 10. But wait — what about 9? Same deal. IX means to subtract I from X, leaving 9. Numbers in the teens, twenties and thirties follow the same form as the first set, only with X's indicating the number of tens. So XXXI is 31, and XXIV is 24.
L means 50. Based on what you've learned, I bet you can figure out what 40 is. If you guessed XL, you're right = 10 subtracted from 50. And thus 60, 70, and 80 are LX, LXX and LXXX.
C stands for centum, the Latin word for 100. A centurion led 100 men. We still use this in words like "century" and "cent." The subtraction rule means 90 is written as XC. Like the X's and L's, the C's are tacked on to the beginning of numbers to indicate how many hundreds there are: CCCLXIX is 369.
D stands for 500. As you can probably guess by this time, CD means 400. So CDXLVIII is 448. (See why we switched systems?)
M is 1,000. You see a lot of Ms because Roman numerals are used a lot to indicate dates. For instance, this page was written in the year of Nova Roma's founding, 1998 CE (Common Era; Christians use AD for Anno Domini, "year of our Lord"). That year is written as MCMXCVIII. But wait! Nova Roma counts years from the founding of Rome, ab urbe condita. By that reckoning Nova Roma was founded in 2751 a.u.c. or MMDCCLI.



685 =


882 =




one thousand, two hundred seventy-four =




1698 =




nine hundred ninety-three =




62 =





918 =






Monday, June 17

Your ELA Regents Exam is this Wednesday at 7:30 in the morning.   Bring two pens with you. You are not allowed to write in pencil Fi...