Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday, January 18 Imagery 2 "Child Roland"

Today is the last day to turn in any late material for half credit or make up the test on "The Highwayman" and "Annabel Lee"

In class: day 2 on imagery. (class handout/ copy below)

Bonus: After the short written response, write out the 5 sense images with their formal labels (5 points each)
            And the two nonsensory types of imagery (5 points each)
            And the name of the bird the mariner shot (10 points)

If anyone yells out ANY of the information above, then the bonus is negated.

Please turn in the handout at the close of class. I am taking all today's work as bonus material for this quarter.


  Name______________________________________ Imagery   Friday, January 18

With a partner, if you so choose, read the following poem a minimum of three times.

As for the grass, it grew as scant as hair          
       In leprosy;*  thin dry blades pricked the mud                                                             * a wasting disease   
       Which underneath looked kneaded up with blood
One stiff blind horse, his every bone a-stare,
        Thrust out past service from the devil’s stud!

Robert Browning, "Child Roland to the Dark Tower Came"

With your partner, or independently, write a response as to what feelings are produced by the image
Of the grass in lines 1-3? Make sure to have a complete sentence with text woven in.


2. What images of the horse I(lines 4-6) inspire sympathy? (Again weave in text.)

In a minimum of 50 words, write a description of an old, sick person. Convey an attitude of horror
through specific imagery.  Write your response on the back of the sheet.

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Monday, June 17

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