Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday, October 1 concluding The Merchant of Venice

In class We will finish the film today. On Tuesday, I will collect both of the graphic organizers. This is exactly what you are responsible for: On the plot organizer you must have two examples of textual evidence for both the pound of flesh AND the casket plot lines. These should also include correct citation and a paraphrase. For the elopement plot line, you should have a narrative that explains the plot the plot line. Make sure to include characters and setting details. That is all you need do for the plot graphic organizer.

For the character organizer: you should have chose two of the six main characters as your focus: Antonio, Bassiano, Portia, Nerissa, Shylock or Jessica. For the two you have chose, please write a narrative of their roles within the play. You should already have all the information from the first two acts; the rest you will take from the film.

AGAIN: both graphic organizers will be collected for grading at the beginning of class on Tuesday.

The Merchant of Venice text

listen and read along to The Merchant of Venice

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Monday, June 17

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