Saturday, September 15, 2018

Monday, September 17...Merchant of Venice literary elements

Your are responsible for the following. Please transcribe in your notebooks.
Merchant of Venice 
author: William Shakespeare
genre: play
first performed: 1605
where performed: London, England
setting: Venice (note that Venice did not become part of Italy until 1866)
All received material is corrected. Please check your grades in Parent connect. See Mr. Kelly, if you have trouble accessing these.  
So far you have received grades for the following:
 Cultural Iceberg Essay (writing grade)
 Course Criteria Sheet (homework)
 Works cited research list (class participation)
 Notes in your notebook gathered from the works cited. (class participation)
 vocabulary quiz Merchant of Venice 1.

Please see me outside of class or send me an e-mail, if there are any questions or concerns.

Coming up: vocabulary quiz Merchant of Venice 2 this Thursday, September 20.
In class: setting and characters in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice; review of this week's vocabulary; practice sentences. (class handout / copy below)

Venice during Shakespeare's time (17th century)
contemporary view of Venice

CHARACTERS in The Merchant of Venice

A Little History Lesson… <ul><li>Venice in the late-1500’s </li></ul><ul><ul><li>The richest city in Europe </li></ul></ul...

Religious Intolerance <ul><li>Jewish people confined to ghetto </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Gated “community” </li></ul></ul><ul>...

Venetian Women <ul><li>Not respected </li></ul><ul><li>Under the rule/command  </li></ul><ul><li>of men </li></ul><ul><ul>...

Shakespeare’s England  (in the mid-1500’s) <ul><li>Under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I </li></ul><ul><li>Jews expelled in ...

Let the Play Begin! <ul><li>Things to remember while reading: </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Religious intolerance </li></ul></ul><...

Important Characters <ul><li>Antonio: a merchant of Venice </li></ul><ul><li>Bassanio: Antonio’s friend; Portia’s suitor <...
                                      Character List


a Christian merchant of Venice, he agrees to vouch for a loan to Bassanio from Shylock by putting a pound of his flesh up as collateral.


the friend of Antonio who borrows three thousand ducats from him. He is also the suitor to Portia 


a Jewish moneylender in Venice. He demands a pound of flesh from Antonio, but is forced to convert to Christianity by the end of the play. 


Shylock's daughter.


a wealthy Christian heiress who must marry the man who chooses the correct casket with her picture in it. 


the attendant or waiting-gentlewoman to Portia who also plays the clerk at the court.

Salerio and Solanio- friends   of Antonio and Bassanio, minor characters who inform the audience what is happening off stage.

Gratiano- Bassanio's friend with a bawdy and clownish demeanor. He accompanies Bassanio to Portia's home Belmont, where he falls in love with Portia's servant Nerissa.

Lorenzo-Bassanio's friend, who falls in love with Shylock's daughter Jessica.
Prince of Morocco- a suitor to Portia
Launcelot Gobbo- Shylock's comic servant
Prince of Arragon- a suitor to Portia
Tubal- Shylock's friend, who informs Shylock of his daughter Jessica's behavior.
Balthazar and Stephano- servants to Portia
The Duke of Venice- The reigning official of Venice, who presides over the court where Shylock intends to collect his bond.
   For each of the following insert the vocabulary work from The Merchant of Venice 2.  Look carefully and use the correct form of the word.
Above the work, label the part of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb
1.       Everyone wants to know how Harvey can live such a  __________________lifestyle on such a small salary.
  1. When you go to Las Vegas, try not to ________________ your money in the casinos. Go see a show.
  2. Our board of trustees is responsible for overseeing the _________________________ of millions of dollars in grants to underprivileged college students
  3. Antonio will have to _____________________________ a pound of flesh, if he cannot pay back Shylock the loan within the allotted three months.
  4. Mr. Gibson asked me to___________________________  my report to the committee so that there would be time for questions.
  5. Although Jake cannot _________________________ anyone else for the robbery, he will not admit to committing the crime himself.
  6. The film’s tragic ending put us all in a _________________________mood.
  7. Without help, Rachel will not be able to overcome the ___________________ challenges of her drug addiction.
  8. It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon a ______________________ he may abuse it.
  9. Getting an annual flu shot might be an ____________________________, but being sick for ten days would be a greater ________________________. 
Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
Vocabulary List 2
1)     abridge (verb): to shorten by omission while retaining the basic content.
2)     appropriation (noun): the act of appropriating – to take for oneself (often without permission) 
3)     forfeit
a.     (verb): to lose or be deprived of 
b.     (noun): a penalty for learning
4)     imposition(noun): an overly burdensome demand or command.
5)     imputation (noun): the act of imputing – to attribute or ascribe.
6)     melancholy (noun): a gloomy state of mind, depression.
7)     prodigal (adjective): Wastefully or recklessly extravagant, spending unnecessarily 
8)     profound (adjective): very great/important, when a person or statement has great knowledge/insight.
9)     squander (verb): to waste something in a reckless/foolish manner
10)  supposition (noun): an uncertain belief, hypothesis, something supposed. 

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Monday, June 17

Your ELA Regents Exam is this Wednesday at 7:30 in the morning.   Bring two pens with you. You are not allowed to write in pencil Fi...