Sunday, October 14, 2018

Monday, October 15th-16th - Presentations!

Coming up: We will also be presenting tomorrow, October 16th. Wednesday, October 17th we will begin our new text!

Objective: By the end of class, students will have a clear understanding of the projects their peers have worked on and by the end of the two day presentations every student will share what they have created and how it relates to the class. This will help us all understand the characters on a deeper level and students will demonstrate their knowledge of the text through their explanations of their works.

Day 1 To do list:
1) Come in and sit down. 
2) Please give your classmates the respect you would want. Everyone will use their notebooks to fill out at least 5 projects that they observe as successful in presenting a character and why.
3) Everyone without a pre-filmed or live project will be presenting today, and you will place your projects down on your desks. In a clockwise motion we will do a gallery walk. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR HANDING IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS IN WITH AT LEAST 5 PROJECTS THEY FOUND SUCCESSFUL AND WHY (I RECOMMEND MAKING A T-CHART)
4) Everyone should turn their creations and written descriptions into Ms. Tesoro either by hand or digitally to:
5) Have a great day 😊

Day 2 To do list:
1) We will continue the presentations with those who either did not present their written materials yesterday, and the visual enactments, songs, etc.
2) Turn in your notebooks with at least 5 of your classmates projects written down with how they successfully portrayed their character.

Please respect your classmates who are performing or showing their performances for being extremely brave!

Merchant of Venice Final Project
Description & Rubric

For the final project, students will produce a text of their choice that will represent one character’s internal and external representation throughout the play using The Merchant of Venice text and their interpretation of the play.

Step by Step Instructions:
1.    Choose a Character: Using the character development graphic organizer, students will choose one of the two characters on their chart and create their own representation of that character to make the text come to life (examples are below). Characters from your graphic organizer: Antonio, Bassanio, Shylock, Portia, Nerissa, Jessica.
2.    Create a Textual Representation: This text can be any physical representation of the character throughout the play, and should include elements of character development, characteristics, internal identity, and external identity throughout the play. Students will use their graphic organizers, which already include this information, and will critically think about how to produce (using their own interests) a project that represents this character and demonstrates understanding of both the plot and character throughout the play.

The textual representation of choice should be proposed to Ms. Tesoro on October 11th (today) for her approval and suggestion.

Options for the Final Project:
·      A drawing demonstrating the character both internally and externally (could include quotes, words, visuals, etc.) – should be a full page and include at least 3 textual references to fully demonstrate the character’s conflict or growth
·      A blog post as the character of the student’s choosing (300 words minimum)
·      A song or rap from the perspective or about the perspective of the character (should be at least 3 minutes long)
o   No vulgarity
·      A comic strip either digitally or by hand
·      Physical enactment of a whole scene with specific choices made to represent (should be at least 3 minutes long for each person involved)
·      Professional dance designed to demonstrate the character’s journey throughout the play and/or internal vs. external struggle throughout the plot (song must be at least 3 minutes)
·      Written letter from the perspective of the character, written on cardstock provided by Ms. Parker (300 words minimum)
o   Ex. You could write what you think Jessica’s letter said from her perspective
·      If you have another idea, you MUST run it by Ms. Tesoro & Ms. Parker to get permission and establish guidelines by the end of 10/11.

3.    Create a Description: Students will write a short paragraph answering these questions (250 Words Minimum):
a.    Why did you choose the character you did?
b.    How does your project fully represent the character development throughout the play?
c.    Describe at least 3 specific choices you included in your final project and explain why you included these in your character representations that help explain their interpretation of that character (cite evidence that led to these choices).
d.    Did your vision come to life as planned? How successful was it at demonstrating your complex character?
4.    Present: On October15th & 16th, the final project is due, and students will present what they produced to their peers, with explanations as to why they chose what they did.
a.    Day 1 (10/11/18):
                                              i.     Choose your final project category/genre and submit it by the end of class on flashcard
                                            ii.     Choose their character based on your character development graphic organizer
                                          iii.     Choose one piece of textual evidence to focus on from the quotes provided
                                           iv.     Start bringing your vision to life
b.    Day 2 (10/12/8):
                                              i.     Continue to work on project until completed (you can also work on your projects at home to do final touch ups with resources we might not have in class over the weekend, but the base of your project needs to be completed in class.) (YOU MUST BE PRODUCTIVE DURING THE CLASS TIME PROVIDED)
Begin writing your description and reflection on google docs, also due on the 15th.

These projects should demonstrate the student’s creativity and engagement with the plot and character analysis!!! HAVE FUN AND DO SOMETHING YOU’RE PROUD OF! J

Rubric for Description of Project:

Level 1 (1 pt)
Level 2 (2 pts)
Level 3 (3 pts)
Level 4 (4 pts)
Explanation of Representation
Description is imprecise, difficult to understand, and does not demonstrate that the student both used and understood the text.
Description is vague but understandable, and still needs more clarity to show understanding of the character and text. Connections between the project and text are still unclear.
Description is generally precise. Demonstrates a clear idea of character analysis and explaining the connections to the text are understandable for the most part, demonstrating understanding of the original text.
Description is extremely precise, and portrayal of the character is clear, demonstrating clear understanding of the character analysis and growth during the plot. Choices are deliberate and insightful demonstrating clear engagement with and understanding of the text.
Support from & Connection to Original Text
Connections to the text are completely absent, and the physical representation does not accurately represent the character in any form.
Connections to the text, while vague and unclear are still present and understandable with explanation. Evidence of understanding the original text in a vague sense is present.
Connections are directly engaging with the original text, demonstrating clear interpretation of character. The interpretation is accurate toShakespeare’s original work.
Connections are engaging with theoriginal text in an active and insightful manner.They capture the essence of the character while demonstrating the student’s interpretationthrough character analysis.
Creativity/ Organization
There are no present creative elements of the produsage.
The project demonstrates a creative mindset but was not implemented in a creative manner. It is organized for the most part in a way that others can understand.
The project brings to life the original text in a creative manner and is for the most part organized in a way that others can understand.
The project is organized in an extremely clear manner that demonstrates the creativity while placing importance on the original text simultaneously.
Overall Effectiveness
Overall, the project does not demonstrate understanding of the original text and character, and there is no enthusiasm about the topic.
Demonstrates a good understanding on the text and character, but needs help implementing this understanding into the project to exhibit enthusiasm.
Project clearly shows a good understanding of the original text and the character of choosing and does so in a creative manner that shows the student is relating to the topics.
Project demonstrates a clear understanding and engagement with the original text and character of choice. The implementation is extremely creative and demonstrates that the student has found a way to relate to the material as an active learner.

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Monday, June 17

Your ELA Regents Exam is this Wednesday at 7:30 in the morning.   Bring two pens with you. You are not allowed to write in pencil Fi...