Monday, September 10, 2018

Wednesday, September 12..continuing with thematic research / works cited

Image result for merchant of venice

Coming up: vocabulary quiz tomorrow: Merchant of Venice 1
This will follow the same format as the previous vocabulary quiz.

In class: We are continuing to work on the theme of anti-antisemitism and prejudice against the other in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. Please take out your class notebook. Label the page: Merchant of Venice background notes.  
For each of the five topics you are researching (and we are going to review yesterday's), please write two pieces of information you learned about the topic.

     1. history of Jews in Shakespeare's time
    2. . anti-antisemitism in medieval Europe
     3. racial discrimination
     4. the origin of the ghetto
     5. Nazis and Jews

Below is a copy of the steps from yesterday's blog. We'll continue where we left off yesterday.

Note the image above. This is how yours should look when you have finished.

Assignment and steps:You will create a works cited page with five correct MLA citations.  FOLLOW THESE STEPS
                                   1. Open up a word document

                                   2. Create a correct MLA heading (normally you would not do this on a works cited page, but I would like you to practice. Remember to double space, size 12, Times New Roman
                                                                                                      surname 1

Your name
English 3- ?
12 September 2018
                                                       Works Cited
3. Leave your document now and begin your research

4. In google search each of the following five topics:*
      a. history of Jews in Shakespeare's time
      b. anti-antisemitism in medieval Euro
      c. racial discrimination
      d. the origin of the ghetto
      e. Nazis and Jews

For each of the five topics
   5. You will select one article and read two paragraphs.

   6. Next: open a new tab and type in Citation Machine, clicking on MLA and Website (I will walk everyone through these steps; don't panic!)

   7.  Copy the URL into the search website area

   8.  press search websites

   9. a new window will appear; press select

   10. A new window will appear; scroll down to final step

    11. A new window will appear; scroll down to create citation.

    12.  press the citation

    13.  your completed citation will appear.  It will look something like this: 

“English.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Apr. 2018,

  14. Copy this onto your word document.

   15. Once you have completed the five citations for your works cited, we will tidy up the organization.  Here is the the link for formatting a works cited page in Google docs:

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Monday, June 17

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